Join the Pumphouse Theatre for our newest adventure into virtual education – online workshops! Between February and March, we will be offering a variety of 75-minute workshops for students aged 7 to 12, and aged 13-17. These workshops will contain fun drama activities focused on either acting, voice, movement, or crafting. Registration will be open until 1 week prior to the scheduled workshop date. All necessary workshop supplies will be provided, and are available for pick up or delivered to your door. See our full workshop schedule below and sign up today!
Register Here:
Winter Online Drama Workshop Series
Fee Per Workshop: $25
Max Attendees Per Workshop: 16
Exploring Improv | Saturday, Feb 5 2022
Yes Let’s! In this movement-based online workshop, participants learn all about the core foundations of improvisation. Learn about teamwork, trust, and downright silliness through a series of games, exercises, and activities tailored to expand your creativity. No supplies or previous experience needed.
Ages 7-12 10:00am – 11:15am | Ages 13-17 11:30am-12:45pm
Let’s Make a Character | Saturday Feb 12 2022
Time to hit the runway and create a character from the inside out. In this online workshop, participants will, through a combination of movement and crafting exercises, learn how to act out an original character and make an original costume out of recyclable materials. A basic supply package will be supplied and delivered prior to the start of the workshop.
Ages 7-12 10:00am – 11:15am | Ages 13-17 11:30am-12:45pm
Silly Stories | Saturday Feb 26 2022
Once Upon a time…In this text-based online workshop, participants are invited to dive deep into their imaginations and learn the fundamentals of story creation. Fairy tales with a twist, Shakespeare, and create your own adventure tales round out this wordy workshop. No supplies or previous experience needed.
Ages 7-12 10:00am – 11:15am | Ages 13-17 11:30am-12:45pm
Paper Puppet Play | Saturday March 5 2022
It’s a jungle out there! In this craft-based online workshop, participants will learn what it is like to be a puppeteer and have the chance to build their own paper animal puppet. A basic supply package will be supplied and delivered prior to the start of the workshop. No previous experience needed.
Ages 7-12 10:00am – 11:15am | Ages 13-17 11:30am-12:45pm
Mime & Movement | Saturday March 12 2022
Ever wanted to make a silent film? In this movement-based online workshop, participants will have the chance to learn the basics of mime to create characters, scenes, and stories. No supplies or previous experience needed.
Ages 7-12 10:00am – 11:15am | Ages 13-17 11:30am-12:45pm
March 19: Yoga for Actors | Saturday, March 19 2022
Namaste. In this movement-based online workshop, participants will be taken through a fun-filled basic yoga practice that focuses on courage, calmness, and creativity. No supplies or previous experience needed.
Ages 7-12 10:00am – 11:15am | Ages 13-17 11:30am-12:45pm