Elucious is the nom de guerre of Dr. Stephanie Studzinski. Stephanie recently completed her PhD in Literary Studies and is pursuing a career as a surrealist artist. While Stephanie was born in the US, she has studied and worked in the UK and Hong Kong. Stephanie has a Cantonese spouse and was given a Cantonese moniker which she uses to seal her paintings. The seal materially embodies that we are all fluid, hybrid entities with compounding identities endlessly in process. Stephanie’s artwork embraces a ferocious and luxurious subjectivity to create colorful popsurreal art which challenges the common misconception that black and white reality, the mythic zero world, is the only reality and We all inhabit it. Her work consists of seductive, divergent narratives which lead down unforaged paths to recover unsung stories, unusual acquaintances, and inspirational wild truths.
Instagram: @eluciousdesign

En Avant!
Framed Canvas
20” x 20”

Refugee Run
Mixed Media on Canvas
24” x 30”