OAPF 2025 – Call for Volunteers

ADFA and Pumphouse Theatre: Calgary Region One Act Play Festival 2025: Call for Volunteers! 

The Pumphouse Theatre is looking for volunteer ushers for each night of the  upcoming Calgary Region One Act Play Festival happening April 3rd – 5th, 2025.  Volunteers get to see the shows for free! 

Shows are 7:30pm nightly. Ushers are expected to arrive at 6:45pm. Ushers will be  trained on appropriate safety procedures and their individual roles (ripping tickets,  passing out programs, assisting patrons to their seats). Ushers are expected to stay  until the theatre has been vacated. Shows vary in runtime each night, and therefore  the indicated end-time may change. Ushers are not required to wear any particular colour or style of clothing. Heels are not recommended. 

We will provide you with training and assign specific roles (ticket taker, program, etc)  on the night. 

Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F094CACAF2EA1F58-55273681-oneact#/

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Kelly Malcolm,  Programming Director, at kelly@pumphousetheatre.ca and Troy Couillard,  Interim Programming Director, at prod@pumphousetheatre.ca